Wednesday, March 11, 2009

See You Saturday... Hopefully?

At the starting line for this year's Lo-Tide Run in Carolina Beach, NC. I am registered to run the 5k race, there is also a 10K race and a team competition. For more information on either participating or donating to this great cause please click on the following web link: The event raises money and awareness for those families who have been afflicted by cancer, and the attendent costs of care and treatment. Last year nearly a thousand runners and walkers partcipated in the event, which also includes a carnival like party before and after the races.

I have had the date circled figuratively speaking on my racing calender for several months. However a recent bout with the flu has left my status come race day in a bit of jeopardy. Truth be told its not so much my participation that is or would be in jeopardy, its performing at my peak that is in jeopardy. But deep in the crevices of my mind I feel that if when called upon, I can marshall the necessary fortitude that it will take to run close to what I could have done had I not been beset by illness. Perhaps its tomfoolery, or wishful naivety; then again each of us I'm sure has read of or encountered supposed extra- human feats that at the time perhaps defied logic and science by a hair or two. And former Olympic champion Jackie Joyner- Kersee once remarked that running was "90% mental and 10% physical."

I havent run since last Tuesday, and have meticulously followed the advice of my doctor and of anything that i have read in print or on-line about running with the flu. It really takes alot out of one's immune system, and attempting to race, although only a 5K, is a tall order to force upon the body only a few days after most of the symptoms have abated. Yet the race is in my back yard, and its one of the biggest, most publicized ones of the year in the area, so with a little luck, a little prayer, a little of this and a little of that.....

The bottom line is that i will have to see how I feel come Saturday morning, I'm still adjusting to being able to be up and about, to do work, eat regularly, etc. Two, three days in sick terms is a bit of a long ways off; I did bike a few miles today so I will see how my body reacts to that, and if positively, I will try running some tomorrow. I must calculate too risk versus reward, and factor in other less tangible aspects like how I feel spiritually and in my gut in the hours leading up to the race. I may have to also see how I feel once the actual race starts, and make adjustments on the fly.

However, one way or the other, alot of money is going to be raised for some very laudable people, who I can only guess appreciate the helping hands extended from each and every one of us who can. And whether I run full bore, or at a light trot in the middle of the pack, ultimately matters little as to why I or any of us should be appreciative this weekend simply to come together in the true spirit of community, charity, and grace. Colds, flus, sprains, strains eventually do heal. Unfortunately not all of us are as lucky; but in the face of tall odds we can help each other to perservere, hope, dream, and work just a little harder at finding some positive solutions. I do hope to see some of you there!

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